Hi everyone😀, I’m Kakazu from PR.
I’d like to introduce another talk session today that will be held at LEAP Day.
In this blog, I would like to take a closer look at “Can an economic society that prioritizes the mind be created - Realizing an empathetic capitalist and holacratic society-,” which is attracting attention from among the talk sessions of LEAP Day 2020 Yui-kaji.

What is Empathetic Capitalism?
What can you imagine from the name, “empathetic capitalism?”
If you break it down by word, it’s an idea that values generating capital through empathy.
Hmmm, I think I can kind of picture it.
I’d like to introduce you to an article from Diamond Online about an event where Kazuhiro Arai, who will be speaking at this year’s talk session, spoke on the topic of empathetic capitalist society.
The "empathetic capitalist society" is a society where empathy, a value that cannot be converted into money, is carefully nurtured and people can take action based on it. I would like to create a society where people can value the things that are important to them, with “empathy” as the axis of value. The word "empathy" is a vague term, so everyone has a different perception of it, but it is important to create a society where people can choose from a variety of choices that suit their own value standards.
- Diamond Online: Letting go of "yen" and storing "bonds" - The definition of "new money" created with empathetic capital
I see🤔 that Mr. Arai wants to create a warm society where importance is placed on everyone’s ideas and thoughts and value is created by empathizing with those ideas.
Mr. Arai’s desire to create a society where people can cherish the things that are important to them is really wonderful, and I’m relieved to see that as I write my blog😊.

At this point, you may be wondering why we need empathetic capitalism now. Right? I’m very curious too!
Why not democracy or socialism, but empathetic capitalism…. I can’t wait to find out.
But you will have to wait till LEAP DAY and find it out at the session, “Can an economic society that prioritizes the mind be created - Realizing an empathetic capitalist and holacratic society-.” 🤗
And now that I’ve come to understand sympathetic capitalism, there’s another unfamiliar term, holacratic society, which is new to me….
Next, I will talk about holacratic society!
What is Holacracy?
Do you know what holacracy is? It’s not the name of a fancy cake sold in France! (If there really was one, it does sound delicious LOL)
A holacracy is not a pyramidal organization, like a traditional hierarchy, in which the upper levels of the organization have the right to make decisions and direct them to subordinate organizations, but a self-run organization, in which each project has its own organization, and decisions are made and implemented within each organization.
To explain it in more detail, it means that instead of the CEO or supervisor making all the decisions to do all the work, groups are formed for each project and decisions and projects are executed within those groups.
Here’s an easy-to-imagine diagram from HolacracyOne LLC. founded by Holacracy advocate Brian J. Robertson.
Hierarchical Organization
Holacratic Organization
Those who have only experienced hierarchical organizations may get worried about whether or not holacracy can make an organization or society work, and how it’s made to work.
However, Mr. Kozo Takei, who is going to speak at this event, was one of the first to adopt holacracy in Japan and has been practicing it for more than several decades.
He’ll talk about how he’s implementing holacracy, what it will change, and what it means for the organization, the company as well as the meaning of a holacratic society in his talk session. I just can’t wait to find out 🤗!

Meet the speakers of “Can an economic society that prioritizes the mind be created - Realizing an empathetic capitalist and holacratic society-!”
Now let me introduce you the two people who are trying to create an economy and society that prioritizes the mind, and the moderator who will bring out their stories.

Kazuhiro Arai
eumo Corporation, CEO
Born in 1968. Engaged in a wide range of investment activities at domestic trust banks and foreign investment management companies, focusing on public pension funds. From 2007 to 2008, after a serious illness and the collapse of Lehman Brothers, he began to question his previous beliefs in financial engineering, formulaic investing and financial markets. In November 2008, he founded Kamakura Investment Trust Co. with his former colleague. He was active as the responsible manager of “Yui 2101,” an investment trust that he began managing in March 2010. In September 2018, after retiring from Kamakura Investment Trust, he founded eumo Corporation. He aims to create an empathetic capital society and offers an empathetic community currency and other services. He has also served as chairman of the Social Venture Activity Supporters Council, director of Sustainable Stories, board member of SCI Forum, board member of EMS, and a member of the White Company Award planning committee.
He is the author of many books, including Sustainable Capitalism (Discover 21) and Living in an Empathetic Capitalist Society (co-author, Diamond).

Kozo Takei
eumo Corporation, CJO; AFRIKA ROSE, Director; Jinen Management, President; Real Estate Tech Association for Japan, Founder/ President; and many others
Born in 1983 in Yokohama, Japan.
Graduated from Los Angeles Citrus College in Los Angeles, where he majored in music. He started a business in the U.S. but went bankrupt and sold the business.
He founded Diamond Media, Inc. in 2007 with the belief that the mission of a company is to contribute to everyone involved. The company received attention for its unique "unmanaged management," which includes "disclosing salaries, expenses and financial statements," "eliminating positions and job titles," "allowing employees to work when, where and when they want," "encouraging entrepreneurship and side businesses," and "electing representatives and board members," and was awarded the 2017 “White Company of the Year Award.” As Japan's leading authority on autonomous, decentralized management, including teal organization and holacracy management, he writes articles to the media, gives lectures, and provides organizational support.
In 2018, he established a general incorporated association, the Jinen Management Study Group, calling these management practices "natural management," and serves as the president of the group.
In 2018, he founded the Real Estate Tech Association for Japan and served as the first president of the association. He has served as the founder and director of Living TECH Association, a general incorporated association, secretary of the IT section of the Japan Property Management Association, and advisor to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on projects to utilize idle real estate in the public interest.

Eri Mizutani
Kaze to Tsubasa Corporation
She was involved in policy planning and consulting on private sector public interest activities and corporate social contribution activities at Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting.
After going independent, she continues to be involved in social sector fund flow such as social finance, social impact investment, and community investment, as well as creating and nurturing practitioners and supporters of problem solving, including management support for social ventures.
In 2018, she also established the Setagaya Community Foundation and serves as the president of the organization.
She is a board member of Chance for Children, a public interest incorporated association. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Public Resource Foundation. She has served as a judge and advisor for various grant programs and as a university teacher.